
Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906)

One of the most well known suffragists, Susan B. Anthony was raised as a Quaker. She was inspired by the Quaker belief that everyone is equal under God. Anthony became an abolition activist after listening to William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglas. In 1851 she met Elizabeth Cady Stanton. They became fast friends. In 1872 Anthony was arrested and fined $100 for voting. This angered many people.

"A Quaker, teacher, and leader in the temperance movement to make alcohol illegal in the U.S., she became Elizabeth Cady Stanton's greatest ally and friend. She traveled tirelessly, speaking and circulating petitions to grow support for the cause of women's suffrage, and at a time when it was unusual and dangerous for a woman to travel alone. She voted illegally in the 1872 presidential election and was promptly arrested and put on trial. Her case brought national attention to the cause. Her leadership of the movement extended from its beginnings to its later national prominence-almost to its ultimate victory." David Roberts, Suffragette: The Battle for Equality